4 Marton Estates Square, Stokesley Road, Marton, Middlesbrough, TS7 8DU


Diphtheria is potentially a deadly and infectious bacterial infection that mostly attacks the nose and throat, and at other times the skin.

Diphtheria is very transmissible since spreads by coughs and sneezes, or by coming in contact with either an infected person or items that belong to them, for example, bedding or clothing.

In England, the disease is very rare since a lot of people have been vaccinated against it. However, it is an issue in areas of the world where the number of vaccinated people is low, for example,  Africa, South Asia, and the former Soviet Union.



The symptoms of diphtheria include:

– a coating at the back of the throat that is thick grey-white

– a high temperature of (fever) of 38C (100.4F) or more

– sore throat

– breathing problems

Elderly people and individuals with a poor immune system are more vulnerable to the effects and complications associated with diphtheria. Most cases from this group of people are usually fatal.

It is estimated that 5-10% of individuals who contract the infection die from complications, for example, breathing problems, inflammation of the heart (myocarditis), or issues with the nervous system.



As part of the routine childhood immunisation programme, all children have to be vaccinated against diphtheria.

Its recommended that adults should get a booster vaccine before travelling to areas of the world where diphtheria is endemic.